Thursday, October 22, 2009

it's the final countdown... doodoodoooodoo

at long last... i can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

this journey of producing my own music has proven to be very long and often arduous. the obstacles have been many, not least of which has been my own self. there have been times when i've felt crazy to keep pursuing this, times when i've felt ashamed at how long it's taken me, times when i've felt proud of my accomplishments and times when i've felt inspired, knowing that when i'm making music i am who i am.

at some point, i got so tired of saying "it's coming! it's coming!" that i just stopped saying anything. but now, the end is in sight. which really isn't an end at all, but very much a beginning. i have good people around me who are helping, pushing and encouraging me (THANKS!!!) i see what kept me from finishing in the past and i'm not letting that happen again. i'm overcoming the mind-killer that is fear and the shackles that are perfectionism.

so until this music is out my door and alive in the world, i will be holding myself accountable to myself in this forum by posting weekly updates. as of today:
  • hum is mixed and ready for mastering

  • 2 remixes of hum almost done (thanks to hollis p. monroe and leon louder)

  • 3 songs ready for mixing (told you, take your rest, shine)

  • for lovesong, strings need to be re-rerecorded

  • for a little blue, backing vocals need to be re-recorded and arrangement arranged a bit

  • a toi... still needs some work...

to show your support, i would so much appreciate you either joining my facebook page or my mailing list and sharing it with your friends. i need the word spread as far and wide as possible! THANKS!