Saturday, July 28, 2007

montreal terrasses?

could someone please tell me where, in montreal, i can find a nice patio to sit with a coffee, or other such beverage, and work all afternoon? one that's not right beside the traffic of st. denis or mont royal street. ok, i know santropol has an amazing patio, or terrasse as they're called here. but it's just a little too far for me - i'm at laurier and mentana. i know café des entretiens...but it's closed right now. today i spent the better part of my afternoon sitting in the second cup patio on mont royal - which is a great patio by the way, but i'd rather not go to a chain.

any ideas?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

my first live video stream

ok, i just had to write again today to talk about my first live video stream that i did this afternoon. it was just a little 20 minute test, but it went really well, and people actually watched it. you can even watch it here. it's a featured show right now, but otherwise you need to search jenn mierau archived shows. it's a new site - it just went public this week - and i'm so happy to be a part of it!

it was really fun to do, and i'm going to be doing a longer set in two weeks...thursday, august 2nd to be exact.

Friday, July 13, 2007

need lyrics but have photos

so i've been mulling around lyrics for this song for awhile, especially with all the rain we've been having. last week, on the train, i took some photos that i think will inspire me to finish the song, but if anyone has suggestions for the last line of the chorus, that would be neato. k, so here is the beginning of the song...with photos:

i don't know why
it started raining
i can see blue sky

a lonely cloud
decides to empty
above my head

it's spring, and i
i should expect it
even, at times, so innopportune
i'll stay, out here, a little longer

oh oh oh
oh oh it's just a little rain today

oh oh oh
oh oh .......

send me your ideas by contacting me on sweetsite, myspace or facebook - or by leaving a comment. you can also see some more rainy photos here.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

pj rawks!!!

i listened to pj harvey's "is this desire" yesterday, for the first time in a loooong time, and holy crap does she RAWK!!!

i guess i had forgotten. i just checked on her website and she is putting out a new album this september. can't wait!!

speaking of women with "down 'n' dirty" vocal stylings....i'm finally going to go pick up the latest amy winehouse album. i know, i know, she seems all fucked up right now, and probably not worth seeing live - unless of course she can manage to stay sober and actually care. but the sound of the album is amazing! i am just loving the 50's kind of production: of the music, but also in the way her vocals were recorded, and want to hear it in better sound quality than an mp3.

mmmm... "what kind of fuckery is this?" going to sound so good on etienne's sound system!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

oh yeah, music

i'm sure you're all only too aware of the time-suck these kinds of sites can be. i feel like i've been on the computer for weeks: setting up profiles and putting up pictures on facebook, myspace, virb, blogger, eventful, synchronicitylive, secondlife, spreadshirt...the list seemingly goes on and on and on and on.

so it felt really good to actually get something done with....oh what is it again?...oh yeah, my music!!!! fixed up the beat and did a little mix on the song "a little blu" - which is not yet up for your listening pleasure. also recorded some scratch vocals on my newest song "told ya".

therefore, my new resolution less time on social networking sites? i suppose so, but i do want to keep in touch with y'all.
(did i really just say y'all---i think i did, sorry)

i guess what i'm trying to say is that if i don't respond super quickly to a message from you, it's not that i don't care (cue strings), it's just that i start to hate myself when i don't play music enough (timpani), and then i don't want to talk to anyone (choir). so i will be spending less time on the inter-web-tubes (triangle), more time using my vocal chords (piccolo), so that when i do connect (horns), it is done with unadulterated joy (cymbal crash).

...was that good for you?

on that pun intended, really...i will go turn on my wurtlizer and sing like a reference to nelly furtado intended, really.

Monday, July 2, 2007

it's raining it's pouring

the old man is snoring.

there's a thunderstorm outside right now, but the sun is also shining on the trees outside of my apartment. it is soooo beautiful. i think i'll get off my computer and go look out the window.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

happy canada day

well, i'm not particularly patriotic, but i'm very happy to be living in this fair country. i thought i might celebrate by wearing my quebec fleur de lys t-shirt and running around in my panties. i probably won't though.

yesterday, i had a lovely time on the mountain. (we call mount royal a mountain here in montreal) etienne and i walked around for 4 hours in the woods and in a cemetary. the initial idea for the walk was to find this in the mount royal cemetary. a friend from work had seen this and gave me a google map to find it. i'm not trying to be morbid nor disrespectful to the sweet family, and i'm not trying to say sweet is dead, or death to all sweetness...(ok maybe rest in sweet) but really, i just thought it looked cool.

anyway, the woods are really feel like you're out of the city, all alone. you can check my photo album on facebook to see a couple more photos from our excursion. including the pretty flower etienne found for my hair.