Thursday, March 20, 2008

would you like some mail with your coffee?

was doing some web surfing last week
(does anybody say that anymore? feels very 1993)
...anyway, was hitting the great waves of the inter-tubes and came across this icon on a japanese site:

i don't know, maybe mail goes better with green tea?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

more snow!!

i'm not sure how many centimetres we're up to now, but we had another blizzard yesterday! the wind was insane! at about midnight, etienne and i decided to get bundled up - and i mean bundled up - to brave the storm. it was so very much fun! we found snow drifts where when we walked in them our legs sunk down entirely, i.e. leg straight down, snow up to the bum. we also found a huge snow hill to climb and subsequently slide down and some nice piles of snow to throw ourselves into. even made a little snow angel. it's always so tempting to just lie in the snow for hours just looking up at it falling on you, feels like you'd be warm enough...sort of. luckily etienne convinced me that it might be better to keep moving.

one thing, among many, that i love about blizzards is the way everything just shuts down and people start using alternate forms of transportation. case in point, saw a guy at about 1 AM, cross-country skiing down a major road.

can't wait to get out again today. i saw another huge snow hill that looked worth climbing.